SUNDAY Service 10am + live at FB: Halifax Lutheran Church
SUNDAY Service 10am + live at FB: Halifax Lutheran Church
a continuation of the congregation discernment process 2022-2023 initially titled
Together We Know.
At last year’s ACM, subsequent Phase 1 update meeting, and other communications, church council clearly heard from the congregation that:
· desire to keep land
· do not want responsibility of being landlords
· want to participate in affordable housing
· interest in environmentally sustainable building
· want to know the financial reward from leasing land
· confusion regarding definitions and types of housing
The following is the work that has taken place over the year directed by the above bullet-points.
Advent Theme Shelter – chosen by council to help the congregation faithfully explore and educate ourselves about housing, shelter, and related issues. A wide variety of perspectives were included in the devotion series: tent living, public housing, addiction rooms, emergency shelter etc.). Definitions, like affordable housing, were learned, and statistics were provided on the state of housing in NS.
Currently in the process of arranging the installation of heat pumps. The process is waiting for confirmation of the grant money previously allotted for the project. Commercial heat pump units will be installed in the sanctuary. Wiring will be upgraded to permit this. Additional insulation will be installed in the sanctuary.
Phase One –
At the end of phase one of the feasibility study a congregation meeting was called (July) where DORA Construction presented their feasibility report of Option A, a recapitalization of the existing sanctuary with a new development on the remainder of our property, and Option B, a full site redevelopment capacity with the inclusion of a new church facility incorporated into the building. At the end of July, a vote was taken that included Option A and B, as well as an Option C, to step out of the process. The congregation voted to continue exploration of Option A.
Phase Two –
In October site visits were conducted for building assessment and hazardous material assessment of the church building and the parsonage.
A team of 2 council members, 1 congregation member, Pr. Kimber convened with a team from DORA construction to search for a potential partner for this project. A term sheet was created to indicate to potential partners our purposes and needs. The key elements of the term sheet included: an apartment unit for a parsonage, common space (bathroom, kitchen, community room(s)), and renumeration of $100,000/year (escalating annually with inflation) for a land lease.
In the process of seeking a partner, the team learned that all private developers would require Resurrection to sell its land.
Currently there is one qualified not-for-profit organization that is interested and has immediate capacity to partner with us.
that is on the Current Event Page in the section with files.
Phase 2 of the feasibility study continues investigating Option A.
October happenings include:
*site visits to conduct building assessments
* a church team (congregation member, 2 council members, Pr. Kimber) working with DORA rep to identify potential partners and information to present to them
Council's property team is working to get heat pumps installed in the sanctuary portion of the building.
VOTE RESULT July 28, 2024: The feasibility study continues by investigating Option A.
AT this meeting DORA Construction presents their feasibility report of Option A and B discussed at our last ACM. The report will be shared electronically via the church email list a week prior to the meeting.
This is the first step of a building project process. There is plenty of opportunity through the process for more input and/or to step out of the project.
On this night voting will not be taking place, in order to give people time to digest what they hear. A clear system for voting will (using various means) be set out in further communications.
Feb. 4, 2024 is the ACM.
Council’s hope is to present motions with regards to property; this is dependent on receiving 2 semi-detailed options from DORA Construction. If they are not ready by Feb. 4, a second meeting will be held.
Motions are not yet drafted but, the movement is something like:
1. does the congregation want to enter into a development project?
2. which of the two options suits the congregation?
3. considerations for upgrading the sanctuary insulation and heat pumps
Resurrection is in the process of transition. Everything is on the table for discussion . Serious reflection, conversation, and action are underway to discern how we organize ourselves to be part of what God is doing in the world.
Add your voice by reflecting through the "TOGETHER WE KNOW- Reflecting in this Time of Transition"
Engaging Grace: TOGETHER WE KNOW - Reflecting in this Time of Transition (
Church council has been exploring options for the church's sustainability.
This town hall gathering will share with the community options that have been investigated.
Come and hear the information gathered and contribute to the conversation to determine how the church can continue to participate in what God is doing in the world. #forthehealingoftheworld
You know what I really love about this church, I love that people enjoy coming together to be filled with something positive so they can go into their daily lives and share kindness and peace with others.
You are in the church garden when someone walking by asks you about the church. What do you say? Or a friend asks you about church - what do you say? Begin your response "you know what I love about this church..." Practice your response.
Social media opportunity - Each Sunday make a post: You know what I love about church;
write a google review for the church starting with this phrase
Practicing and sharing this statement is sharing the heart of the community. It reminds us why we are part of the Resurrection community!
…do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind, so that you may discern what is the will of God
Write a paragraph describing Resurrection in 5 years time. What could be? What do you dream, where are we worshipping, what are we doing, what does the community look like and participate in?
…to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your reasonable act of worship.
For the church to be church there needs to be a community of people. What will your contribute to the community and working together to share God’s love with the world? Think about: your presence, time, talents/skills, resources.
Engaging Grace: TOGETHER WE KNOW - Devotion 2 - Psalm 51 (
Engaging Grace: TOGETHER WE KNOW - Romans 12: 11-13 (
What are our needs?
When you think of worship space, faith gatherings, and community space...
What are our wants?
If we built a new worship space, and we could take something with us from the current worship space, what would it be?
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On The Web Since April 20, 2005