SUNDAY Service 10am + live at FB: Halifax Lutheran Church
SUNDAY Service 10am + live at FB: Halifax Lutheran Church
SUNDAYS 10-11AM Hybrid worship (in-person and online simultaneously)
COMMUNION - Every Sunday. For those of you participating online,
please watch this invitation to Communion.
*the Lord's Prayer is often lead by the communion assistant in their mother language.
Sunday readings can be found at:
Sunday school- activity sheets provided in the church hall and part way through worship children are invited forward for a talk with Suzy (a red-headed puppet);
A story and craft are offered for children after the Kid's Corner.
coffee and fellowship - following worship most Sundays
*in preparation for this service, decorating the sanctuary takes place Fri. Oct. 11, 9:30am. Please bring non-perishable food items or root vegetables for the altar area. Items can be added to the display on Thanksgiving Sunday. These items will go to the local food bank.
We acknowledge that grief continues after funerals and memorials. On this day we honour those who have died by lighting a candle and having their name in the prayers and communion liturgy. For those who have lost a loved one since last November please pass the name on to Pr. Kimber.
To participate in ongoing online ministry and events (Bible Studies and other) ask to join the email distribution list, and/or connect via Facebook Group "Halifax Lutheran Church."
Every Tuesday 9:30am- noon
in the hall. See info under the tab with this name.
2nd Tuesdays 10:30-noon
4th Tuesday’s of a month 10:30-noon
Fridays 10:30am - noon
Oct. 4 - Nov. 1
in person in the church hall
The hymns beginning studied are:
Amazing Grace
How Firm a Foundation
Children of the Heavenly Father
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
O Day Full of Grace
Oct. 20, Nov. 17, Jan. 12, Feb.9, Mar.16, Apr.6, May 4
Sundays 11:45am-1pm
Would you like to write a devotion based on this theme? Please speak with Pr. Kimber
Do you have questions about housing/shelter/displaced persons? Share with us what you would like to learn and how you would like to engage this topic.
Connect by email or place your thoughts on posters in the hall.
You are invited to 30min prayer time.
TUESDAYS 12:30pm-1pm
Join us via FB Live in the group: Halifax Lutheran Church
There is a prayer book journal in the prayer box on the picnic table on Allan St. and one in the church hall to share your prayers. Prayer requests can also be sent to the church via email or added to comments on FB.
Refundable bottles can be dropped off at the church or delivered directly to Tanner's Recycling and asking for bottles to be put on Lutheran Church account
Note - we invite people to collect can tabs separately and bring them to the church. To be sold by the pound to increase money made from recycling.
Wednesdays at 11am - you are invited to join the walking group that meets at the church for an easy paced 2.5km walk. This walk is in partnership with #NSWalks and Pr. Kimber is a trained walking leader. Bathrooms will be available prior to and after the walk.
for more info on #NSWalks visit:
ns walks join a walking group (
Non-perishable food items for the local food bank.
DUE TO WEATHER ACM has been re-scheduled for Sun. Feb. 11, 2024! beginning 11:45 am
This is an INPERSON event
NOTE - There are a number of important topics for discussion. In person attendance is recommended. A Zoom link will be provided through email for those who absolutely can not come in person.
Membership -
If you are unsure if you are an official member or would like to become a member of the congregation, please send and email to the church. Official membership allows a person to vote and to hold positions on church council.
Council positions -
Council is always seeking members who are interested in participating in the monthly duties and leadership needs of the congregation. All members are welcome to offer to sit on church council. It is a the ACM that new council members are officially elected to serve. If you are interested in serving in this way, please send an email to the church.
Copyright © 2017 Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Resurrection - All Rights Reserved.
On The Web Since April 20, 2005