Welcome to Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Resurrection
Welcome to Evangelical Lutheran Church of the ResurrectionWelcome to Evangelical Lutheran Church of the ResurrectionWelcome to Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Resurrection
Welcome to Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Resurrection
Welcome to Evangelical Lutheran Church of the ResurrectionWelcome to Evangelical Lutheran Church of the ResurrectionWelcome to Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Resurrection
Welcome to the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection!
OneLicense A- 732 581 Augsburg License #SB172471
OneLicense A- 732 581 Augsburg License #SB172471
We acknowledge that we meet on the unceeded and ancestral territory of the Mi'kmaqpeople. We are treaty people bound by the Peace and Friendship Treaty (1752). The ELCIC has repudiated the Doctrine of Discovery and is committed to the ongoing work of learning, healing, and relationship.
Who are we? What do we do as God's people
We acknowledge that we meet on the unceeded and ancestral territory of the Mi'kmaqpeople. We are treaty people bound by the Peace and Friendship Treaty (1752). The ELCIC has repudiated the Doctrine of Discovery and is committed to the ongoing work of learning, healing, and relationship.
Who are we? What do we do as God's people?
A statement from Pastor Kimberlynn McNabb:
The Lutheran Church in Halifax for me is about community. Together we learn and grow in our faith. As a pastor I encourage others to find their gifts and use them for the glory of God. We support each other and each other's ministries. I also approach church with the idea, "if I am not having fun, neither is anyone else".
I invite you to browse this site and make yourself at home. You are always welcome to attend any of our events. The highlight of my week is to worship as a community, Sundays at 10:00am, followed by fellowship and coffee. I hope to meet you!
God's peace and richest blessings be on you and those close to you.
Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in Halifax can be contacted at:
We meet as a community to worship at 10 am every Sunday. Weekly service includes the celebration of Holy Communion (a meal we share as a community and invite visitors to participate in as they feel comfortable). The service runs about an hour.
You are invited for fellowship and refreshments following w
Worship, fellowship, and Sunday School
We meet as a community to worship at 10 am every Sunday. Weekly service includes the celebration of Holy Communion (a meal we share as a community and invite visitors to participate in as they feel comfortable). The service runs about an hour.
You are invited for fellowship and refreshments following worship.
Sunday school -beginning autumn 2022
Other Services throughout the Church Year:
Christmas Eve with Holy Communion
Lent begins with Ash Wednesday Service (including the imposition of ashes), 7-8pm.
Holy Week Services include: Maundy Thurs. 7-8pm (includes anointing with oil, foot washing, communion, stripping of the altar);
Good Friday 10-11am.
other services are posted on the YouTube channel:
Halifax Lutheran Church
You are invited to worship and pray with us, for the healing of the world.
Mission Prayer
OneLicense A- 732 581 Augsburg License #SB172471
Mission Prayer
GOD you are on a mission and we want to be part of it.
YOU continually pour out your Holy Spirit and provide people who spread Good News.
We want to be Good News bearers.
We begin by surrendering to YOUR Spirit.
Within us provoke YOUR change - empower service.
We see that YOU are on a mission.
YOU have a purpose!
Thanks be to YOU
We are asked to be part of YOUR unifying love for all.